POST 27 (DAY 33, Saturday, 2020.09.12)
[Evening Entry]
THE PLOT: So, I went with my gut and chose a plot after a quick tour around WL property.. I was drawn to the meadow, so I simply picked a spot on the map while sitting with Paul, yesterday.. Today, I went out there to walk around it for a bit.. and it somehow turned out to be just as I had hoped--view of the meadow, some hills, a small plateau, some shady spots, some
trees, some grass, near the access road.. Seeing many sharp rocks on the road makes me think that they're gonna hurt the wheels that travel over frequently.. so I decided to collect these sharp rocks away from the path, and neatly stack some piles at intervals of about 20 feet along my property (I totally forgot to take pictures of these today, so I'll post them with after I go out there with Fred to get the more "official" boundary lines..).. I did this for three reasons, 1) I wanted a general idea of what 1 acre might look like, and 2) to move the sharp rocks out of the road, and 3) to give myself a reason to meander "my" property.. I hesitate to call anything "my" property because I came here with nothing, and will leave with nothing.. the property is mine to steward for now.. =D .. then I ate some lunch.. laid out a yoga mat and took a short nap.. and proceeded to meander toward the deeper meadow where Clayton and I previously collected gravel.. ran into a couple who were also meandering WL, and they told me about a view spot.. AND I LOVE VIEW SPOTS, so I kept on walking, up a hill for 20 minutes, in the heat of the afternoon.. good thing I had my
water and my sun-hat.. ain't nutthin' to it~.. checked out the view spot while picking out little stabby-sticks from my socks and then walked the long way back to my car, which was parked at "my" plot.. WHAT SHOULD I CALL MY PLOT? any suggestions? I was thinking "Meditation Meadow" because meditation seems to be a running theme for me these days.. or maybe "Clarity Clearing".. or "Well-ness Wonderland" because it's by a proposed well-site~!
SOME RANTING: last night, after posting my BRK entry, I walked outside to a clear starry night (one day, I shall take/share some photos.. night photography is a slightly different animal).. looking up, clear enough to see the milky way galaxy.. I did some mountain-pose breaths with my arms stretching out and then up as if to gather each twinkling constellation's
energy and gently pour into my wellness.. because why not?.. after ten or so breaths, I walked over to the Love Shack to bed.. Yesterday I had written a post about the idea of not eating, so I decided to skip breakfast (sometimes I do this to change things up).. and lunch tasted so yummy.. I think going hungry every once in a while is a good practice of letting the digestive system rest.. Today was a good day for this because I did not have much work to do--it's my day off~ yay~!.. All that was planned for the day was meandering around WL, and checking out my new-to-me plot.. it was super relaxing.. This would be the first full day that I have dedicated to this type of activity, as sort of a reward/celebration for completing my first month.. In a way, it was a "Self-Date".. Often times, for me, its difficult to allow myself to enjoy spending time alone, relaxing in beautiful scenery.. there's a voice in my head that adamantly whispers, "relaxing can come later when the work is done.." which is true; and at the same time, another voice says, "its okay to enjoy when the opportunity presents itself.. and go do a Self-Date.." ..The movies or social media may portray romantic things as done only as a couple or with other people, but there's nothing wrong with enjoying the company of one.. it's a thing~..
'tis late, enjoy the pics y'all~