POST 11 (DAY 17, 2020.08.27, Thursday)
[Morning Entry]
Today I'm skipping my usual-since-i've-been-here breakfast, and reverting back to the eating regimen I had developed while I was in the
City, trying to refine my thinking clarity.. Here's my theory behind how I developed the regimen and what it actually is.. Start with WHAT: BREAKFAST IS LATER around 10-11am (possibly a late lunch) of ANYTHING I feel like eating and as much quantity--I made up a word to combine Breakfast/Lunch, called "Brunch".. pretty sure no one else has thought it up yet.. ;) DINNER IS EARLY around 4pm, preferably consisting of a MEDIUM density and quantity..
Onto the HOW: the experimenting of leaving out certain types of foods from my diet/regimen (by the way, please understand that "diet" is defined by me as a design of intake rather than a limit of intake, so when I refer to "diet" i'm not saying i simply eat
water or starve myself of calories; what i mean by "diet" is "design"; and we all have the power to design our lifestyle to some degree, including the food intake portion)..
BEEF FOG opened the door for me on trying to play with what foods affect my mental clarity.. I'd eat a beef dish for dinner, then the following morning feel groggy getting out of bed and unsure of how to approach my day.. for many folks, this is about the time they reach for that caffeine.. but since I don't drink caffeine, I thought I'd try a beef-less dinner--and BOOM! The following morning, I feel up and ready for the day.. I got excited to try minor changes here and there.. and of course there were times I'd forget about the beef-less dinner and wake up foggy again the next day.. or days when I simply could not say no to the delicious looking Broccoli Beef from Yang's Wok Restaurant.. I tried the vegan diet for a day, or a few days, and just played around with and took note of how foods made me feel.. this journey is what
led me to where I found a nice clarity-to-satisfaction ratio.. a mostly vegan diet from 10am-4pm.. in between, or when hungry, I can snack on light things like almonds or even chips, or a peanut butter sandwich.. oh, and I also cut out sugar (apparently its a type of poison.. another topic for another day).. let me be clear that no one has a whip to my back about how strict I am with this diet regimen.. I DESIGNED IT, and it makes me feel good about life.. I've felt the benefits and over few years time have grown quite fond of being good to self..
I'd also like to dedicate this post to thanking the permies community.. The support I receive on a daily basis is simply phenomenal.. I feel safe and valued.. safe
enough to raise any concern I may have no matter how "petty" my inner voice may suggest it is.. this is extremely important to me because of the feeling of "belonging".. perhaps a topic for another post! THANK YOU Paul, THANK YOU Team here at the WL,. THANK YOU support staff whom I have not met yet in person.. THANK YOU Supporters of the Permies community as a whole! You are shining stars in my world.. =D <3