In today's Amazon world, i find very little that cant be found.
Having said that, there is a market for custom pieces by people who want to support local artisans, not buy imported junk, etc. If you can tap into this market, your custom orders may reveal new items that can be exploited.
As an example, i shoot blackpowder. Rather than buying an imported belt/holster, i used a local leather crafter. I not only got a heirloom quality piece, but was able to get a knife sheath that matched the belt/holster. This wouldn't have happened in the import offerings.
If i were to reach out for custom blacksmithing, I'd get a cedar cutter. I light weight staff with a blade at a slight angle that i could jab down (not swing like a machete) at baby cedar
trees and thorny vines. Light
enough to carry like a cane/staff while im walking my property, and tall enuff to jab at the baby cedars without bending down.
If your interested in making one, let me know. I can add the handle myself so its not such a big item to ship.