paul wheaton wrote:
Keith Kuhnsman wrote:I know you are out of men's shirts, but is a high resolution "Weeds. Resistance is fertile" image available to make my own?
I am talking to alexander now about getting the images up to a one off tshirt site. In fact, he has several designs. I hope that we can get this set up in a day or two and we can come back here to mention it.
Jocelyn has pointed out to me that alexander already HAS the shirts up in such a way that you can choose the exact color, type and size of shirt AND which design you like. Plus he has a few others.
Go to
THIS THREAD and see what alexander has posted so far. If you want something slightly different, wave your money in his face and post to that thread.
I have worked with alexander for many years. I think there is a mountain of groovy in that dude's head, but it takes interaction with the rest of us to get it to come out.