I am participant of a program that educates the public and starts them with
honey bees. Most if not all of the
bees were swarm donations. I was given a small swarm that we found out later had no queen. So about 2-3 weeks past and instead of giving me a new queen, they decided to set me with a second swarm that had one frame of honey with it, and about 3 or 4 drawn comb. I imagine the lady put them in the nuc box during the night when they were all there, but when I got it it was thrumming with life when I put it in the hive at home. It had a ton of bees. She had given no special instructions I was just under the assumption I would be merging the two groups
side by side.
The old swarm was on the right side of the box, and the fuller new swarm I placed middle and left with the larger frame of honey in the center. I did not smoke them as they all seemed pretty docile, and one thing I remembered I did not do was bump them into the box. When I got done it seemed fine, and even at 10 today dad said it was full of bees flying around it. However, when I took a peak about 1 or so it had way less bees inside. We do have a lot of elder coming into bloom, but I didn't see any bees on the edge of the grouping of elder. They could have flown to the center of the group (About 200). So I am wondering is it normal for that many to forage or do you think they may have absconded, leaving all their drawn comb behind?
I am afraid to check too much as they may leave regardless, but would a large portion leave to forage?