Oh, this is an awesome topic. I have not read the linked stuff yet but will be soon. I am excited to learn more about the wonderful world of plants. Love the Secret Life of Trees, and the Secret Life of Plants.
I will start off saying these are feelings based off some science and some just gut feelings and speculations I have made by looking at the world we live in.
I think we still have a lot to learn about plants and how aware or not they really are. I think it is quite egotistical of humans to think only in ways of animals ignoring how long plants have been evolving on earth.
Part of me learning to look past my own bias comes from working with reptiles. They are so very different from mammals that most people have a hard time understanding how intelligent or not some of them are. Snakes for example, sadly are rather dumb and mostly instinct. Lizards however tend to have a bit more intelligence, and the monitor lizards surprisingly I would rate around dog and cat level of intelligence. I mix dog and cat as monitors tend to be a mix of the two personality wise. Independent but still affectionate, some mild training to respond to vocal commands can be achieved but they still tend to be pretty strong willed. But here is the thing, they are not mammals, so they have primary instincts that drive them that mammals don't. The issues of warmth and cold are huge primal drives for reptiles. Warmth and cold also effect their ability to think well. A cold reptile will have trouble thinking of anything but needing warmth, similarly an over hot reptile will only think of cooling off. Just right though and they can concentrate on other things. When they are thinking of other things it might surprise a lot of humans how aware lizards can be of not only themselves but us.
I bring all that up, since even within animals it is very difficult to see past our prejudice for mammals being the smart ones. Often forgetting there are reptiles and birds who display some amazing intelligence. Not human level maybe, but certainly in the pet level and possible low primate level. Just different than we are used to. Haven't met a smart fish, but octopus, cuttlefish, and squid all have some amazing levels of intelligence demonstrated. There are even some spiders who have shown some good problem solving and memories.
I think there could be a gradient of awareness and even possible sentience in plants, like with animals. Some animals don't have much awareness or sentience while others do but brain size and even the central nervous system does seem to fully explain why some are smarter than others. So we can't necessarily judge all plants by the experiments with a few. Especially if the experiments are only with the plants that fit in a lab. Trees and bushes would be the plants I would think are most likely to have sentience or intelligence of some sort. Like animals, where the small ones tend to be the least thinking, so too I would suspect for plants so I look to the large and more complex of the plants. There may not be any sentient plant or there may be some. I would rather default to the position of presumed sentience than not, and find out I was just being silly and anthropomorphizing. Considering the alternative of not believing in sentient plants to only find out later they were, I prefer defaulting to sentient plants are possible until proven otherwise. Now my presumption tends to follow the lines of more complex the plant more likely sentient. Again not saying I have science to back it up, just rather default to that than not.
No matter the outcome, I will always consider plants my friends. Just as I do the
ants and dragonflies and other animals I don't consider sentient but still appreciate. The lives they live make my life possible, so they are my friends no matter if they can appreciate my sentiment or not.