I started
permaculture in a small fruit garden (360m2) in the the Netherlands 1.5 year ago. I was lucky to buy the property of a retired couple who wanted me to have it, since I was Eko
gardening and Bushcrafting in the plot next to theirs. The rent to this plot was ended so I have my own garden now.
I also have a garden at my house which is full of fruit
trees and shrubs now.
My history is one of professional Nature Conservation, I Always was very motivated.
Due to chronical illness I am taking it a bit easier.
I got interested in the Bushcraft movement in the end 90-ies and continued to this day, finding out it took me to
Permaculture (totally) bringing along my previous knowledge, motivation and outlook.
Totally amazing this forum is, I am looking forward to meeting you. I am not a novice in the Natural World due to my agricultural BSC in Nature COnservation and years of desk and fieldwork. Also bushcraft got me thinking
alot about resourses and
local production evolving in
permaculture gardening and collecting
wild edibles.
Sprititually I am a great admirer or Srila Prabhupada, but I went into Taoism, Buddism and Christianity too.
Probably me first period here will be looking at others sites/gardens/plots and cunning crafts and the healthy attitude, which I kind of missed alot amoung most in the Bushcrat world. Some really nice primitieve and crafting Bushcraft people around though.
I am so happy I found likewise people since just preaching to regular people did not prove the right appoach and I got kind of frustrated.