I have been testing running a chainsaw using ethanol and peanut oil. The vegetable oil makes a lot of carbon. I had to remove the muffler and soak it after running it. I didn't notice any engine damage when I pulled the cylinder though. I used 180 proof ethanol or somewhere close to that percentage. I did notice a small reduction in rpm based on sound and not a tach. I do have a small engine tach and will use it next time I do a test. I don't have a still so I only get my ethanol once in a while and in very small quantities. I think a different oil is needed for my next test. I am researching which oil will provide the lowest carbon residue. I know someone that claims he uses his biodiesel cut with ethanol in his chainsaw but I cannot swear that it is true because I have not seen it. I wonder if hemp oil would work better.Phil H wrote:
Thanks, I will. I guess I was coming at this from a self-reliance/self-sufficiency point of view.
"When there is no life in the soil it is just dirt."
Yes, I am aware of David Blume. The homegrown fuel guy right? He did a series on PBS a really long time ago about alcohol fuel. How I look at is that many race cars have been running on alcohol for decades so I know it works. I have run lots of 4 strokes on alcohol but haven't fiddled with a 2 stroke until recently. I have an older chainsaw motor that is really difficult to find part for so I just use that as a test bed. I am all for growing my own fuel and ethanol source fodder can be anything that can be fermented. I bought the plans for a column still and even most of the copper tubing but haven't assembled it yet. I also have the process for using ethanol instead of methanol in making biodiesel that was done at the University of Idaho back in the early 90's. My "plan" is to make biodiesel without methanol which made from petroleum or natural gas. Alcohol is useful as a fuel but using both biodiesel and ethanol will "cover more bases." Rather than retarding the timing on my 2 stroke I tried changing the fuel characteristics by reducing the proof by adding water.ytram wrote:
I would imagine you would run less rpm's since the chainsaw was designed for gasoline. Alcohol gets its best bang for the buck with higher compression and not so much of a retarded timing like gas takes to keep from detonating at wrong time.
Have either one of you heard of David Blume, "Alcohol Can Be A Gas"?
"When there is no life in the soil it is just dirt."
I use molecular filter media to dry my alcohol. I make 200 proof.ytram wrote:
Yep, that would be the guy.
I had worked in a ethanol plant. If ATF was not involved to where we could run straight ethanol, they could increase the efficiency greatly. There is no way to remove the last 7% of moisture (14 proof) with out mechanical means and or lots of heat. Although engines designed to run on alcohol can run on 140 proof alcohol (70%). I am sure you already are aware of this. For those who wonder why we have to have it 100% is cause the moisture will not mix with the gasoline. From the plants they have to mix a cheap denaturant of aprox 5% so people can not boot leg it.
"When there is no life in the soil it is just dirt."
Pam wrote:
Speaking of people who hae been around for a while in this alternate fuel space reminded me of Harold Bate who was written up years ago in Mother Earth News for running his car on chicken and pig manure. I found a video about him
I wonder what happened to the design for his carburator. Can't imagine he is still alive, this video was made in '73 and he wasn't a young man then.
"When there is no life in the soil it is just dirt."
Phil H wrote:
Just wondering if anyone has ever looked into how one could fuel a useful two stroke device like a chainsaw with ethanol plus some sort of plant oil (eg: olive oil, nut oil) or animal fat as the lubricant component.
"When there is no life in the soil it is just dirt."
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