I made a few calls to Cleveland and quickly determined that the land bank has many programs which attempt to put all of this property into some sort of usage. From what I was able to gather the vast majority of properties which have been sold were purchased by neighbors for a nominal fee ranging from $100-$400. Although some tax relief was given I was told I would have to search that out on a property by property basis.
Many more demolitions are scheduled and many properties are being boarded up in anticipation of some future use being found for them. I would be very surprised this doesn't lead to fires started by kids or squatters, break-ins and other problems associated with abandoned buildings. So it is highly likely that many of these perfectly good buildings will be available for next to nothing. Some of these are commercial type buildings which could have their roof removed and replaced with glass to create very inexpensive greenhouses. I would assume you could collect some of the projected demolition cost on these buildings. It should be possible to salvage quite a bit of material from homes slated for demolition on a given plot of land and to have all of the waste diversion credited to you in some way, whether it be through tax relief or purchase price.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I'm a demolition contractor and a beginning farmer. If I were doing a few blocks of Cleveland I would only agree to it if I could work out a way to put at least $1000 per house in my pocket over and above expenses and own the land for free. Considering their housing market and the housing markets of other cities in a similar position, this would not be unreasonable. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cuyahoga County Land Reutilization Corp.
323 W. Lakeside Suite 160 Cleveland OH 44113
I've gotten rid of the phone numbers in the hope that this was why the post was rejected.
Strategic Land Assembly
The population of Cuyahoga County’s has declined from over 900,000 in the 1950’s to 397,000 today. The decline in population has been a major contributor to lack of demand for existing housing and subsequent loss of value and abandonment.
The land bank cobbles together numerous properties into usable size parcels for urban agriculture and green space uses. They do environmental surveys and handle all title issues so that anyone wishing to redevelop does not have to deal with these as individual parcels with individual histories. They deal with specialists in asbestos abatement and soil contamination. The results of all surveys are available for new purchasers to view. By having these properties already joined together new owners won't
experience huge legal costs or other paper cost that would be associated with the acquisition of many small properties.
No one was able to give me specifics concerning what arrangements have been made regarding tax relief or waiver of purchase price but it appears that the mission of this land Bank and others is to find some reasonable future use for unwanted land. Any money they get for it is a secondary consideration. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
No one I talked to was able to point out big success stories specific to urban farming. They have created many parks and public gardens and they've enlarged many single-family yards. They state urban agriculture as an important component of future plans. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If I were seriously shopping for this land I would offer them one dollar per lot and ask for many years of tax relief. I would agree to create a facility of a given size which employs a given number of people. These neighborhoods need employment above all else so it shouldn't be a hard
I have several young relatives who are landless so I'll shop this idea around to them. I would agree to handle all matters concerning acquisition and demolition and salvage work since that is my specialty.
If there's a better way to get a good piece of agricultural land right on the doorstep of the marketplace while spending little or no money, I'd like to know what it is.
Thank you: Dale Hodgins--- Big-time developer, if you give me the land for free.
Work for the Land Bank
The Cuyahoga Land Bank is actively seeking contractors If you are in any of the following fields and would like to work with them, call ---
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