Hi Bryan,
The article you referenced has a pretty good summary of the work that went into determining a straw bale wall's R-value, and the exact number may have once been a controversy, with some believing that the walls performed in excess of R-50 while actual test data showed values in the middle R-20s for a given wall thickness (18").
The most important variables determining R-values are the bale’s dry density and orientation in the wall. The IRC Strawbale Construction Appendix S is silent about whether the straw comes from wheat, rice, barley, or oats, and it probably doesn’t matter so much. It assumes that if the bales meet minimum dry density (more than 6.5 lbs. per cubic foot) that they have the following R-values:
Bales laid-flat R-1.55 per inch
Bales on-edge R 1.85 per inch
We’re required to test a representative number of bales to make sure they comply, and I always test a representative number of bales in-situ in the wall before plastering. The code offers a method for determining dry density--weigh and measure the bale's dimensions, determine moisture content with a meter, subtract the moisture weight, and the ratio of the remaining "dry" bale weight to the bale's volume gives you the pounds/cubic foot.
Given that baling equipment isn’t standardized across North America (or the world!) bale sizes can vary, but the range is between the mid to high R-20s for two-string bales laid flat or on edge, and the high R-20s to mid R-30s for three string bales laid flat or on edge.
That’s pretty good compared with conventional 2 x 6 stud wall construction that has an R-value around R-21, and it exceeds code requirements in most climates in North America.
But when a straw bale wall assembly needs to do better, colleagues in the North East and Canada have developed a way to
boost the assembly R-value by adding another layer of blown-in cellulose to the exterior. There’s a detail and description in Chapter 2 of the book.
As we say in Chapter 1 of the book, R-value is only half of the story! Something that conventional wall systems rarely have, and plastered wall assemblies have in abundance, is thermal mass. The bales themselves supply some mass, but the thick interior plasters are a key part of what makes these walls perform as they do, and what makes carefully designed and well-built straw bale buildings comfortable to be in. David Eisenberg, referenced in the article and one of the great proponents of building with straw and a co-author of the strawbale building code, relates a great example of this: If you take a
concrete wall and add a 2 x 6 insulated wall on the inside, you have a wall with the same R-value as if you took that concrete wall and added a 2 x 6 insulated wall to the outside. The 5 ½” of insulation have the same resistance to heat flow (R-value) whether located on the interior or exterior of the building. But the buildings will perform very differently because in the second example you have all thermal mass inside the thermal envelope where if functions as a large storage battery, moderating interior temperatures, while in the first example all that thermal mass is out there in the temperature extremes heating up and cooling down, day in and day out.
There are many modern conventional insulations with R-values much higher than straw. All of them use more
energy, sometimes A LOT MORE in their manufacture. Few of them store
carbon. None of them are locally harvested from an annually renewable food crop so they don’t support a
local economy. Most of them are toxic in manufacture, and most of them are difficult to dispose of or have no known (current) upcycling or recycling potential. And I use them judiciously where straw isn’t appropriate—e.g. in ceilings, along foundations, under slabs, or in crawl spaces.