yum, love this one.
all the reading i have done on it...they always seem to add the fruit isnt that tasty, and i cant understand why
i think its an excellent flavor! its mild...but i like that...
i have been trying to plant these forever...and havent gotten any sprouts.
well i know where some strawberry trees are here that produce a lot...so i keep gathering them and then either throwing them whole into the ground and pots...or attempting to fish out the tiny seeds and plant them more properly.
but so far...no sprouts...not that i have seen anyway.
there is a HUGE strawberry tree, along side a couple of other fruit trees...outside of the safeway food market. i think its weirdly funny that occasionally i get some odd looks harvesting this tree....from the people coming out of the safeway (known to me as the "slaveway")...you know...the abundance of this tree growing right there with free fruit...and all the folks eyeing me funny...for harvesting it...ah theres some strange irony there....