I have discussed this before on here, and I am hesitant to continue, not because I am afraid to tell the truth, but because people are so nice on here, they want to "find answers" for Katie and I, and there are not any until we build on.
It stems from us having (4) daughters. This Tiny House has four small bedrooms, but our daughters did not want to move here, so we enticed them with their own rooms. They liked that, but in doing the math, you will see, Katie and I do not have a bedroom. Because this house is so small, a person does not have to yell to be heard. That not only limits sex, it eliminates a place for Katie and I to go for meaningful conversation. We are honest and open with our daughters (ages 6, 12,13 and 14), but sometimes a husband and wife need a place to talk without little ears. We do NOT have that, and it has affected our marriage in ways we never thought it would. Sex is a little part of that, and it has been over 2 months since we have been together. In our other house, we averaged that kind of fun, every other day or so. So, it cllearly is not because we have always had a sexless marriage, it is due to the housing situation we are now in.
So for us...again, a family of six, we must add onto this house. But you, and other people's situation will inevitable vary.
But the utilities...oh my. Our electricity is about $50 a month and we have electric
hot water! And our heating cost in Maine with purchased fuel (not
firewood) was only $750, so the cost of Tiny House living is very attractive. I do want to add on to this house, but unlike our other houses that are sprawling, I want to add on very carefully. Hopefully just
enough to make life work, but not in exess.
BY The Way: Katie and I are NOT materialistic. We are actually minimalists and sold or gotten rid of 3/4 of our stuff. By that I mean having 6 T-shirts, 2 sweatshirts, 1 pair of sneakers, 4 underwear, 4 pair of pants...that sort of minimalism. We are not adding on because of "excess stuff in our life". We are long over that!