Writing letters with one's stream is more properly done in a snowbank, so you can see the product afterwards. Now
that's urine diversion. No plates, no funnels, no camera, and no creepy camera-enabled AI for me to
pee on, watching me.
I think you've raised an interesting point, Rebecca. This is another area, I think, where people, being people, have latched onto this idea that they must divert
all urine from feces. We forget that the place of reasoning from which this all started is that too much urine in the mix makes things go anaerobic, feeds pathogens, et cetera.
That doesn't mean that it is necessary to have a system where no urine makes its way into the fecal composter. It's necessary to monitor and regulate humidity and levels of aeration, such that the mix gets enough air to keep from getting anaerobic.
I was actually thinking about this from the other end of things, as a somewhat less-practical proof-of-concept. What if we had a number of 55 gallon drums all set up to swirl their liquid contents in a reversable vortex via pump, all connected for volume, aeration, and capacity, and probably using bubblers, too? And what if there was a receiving drum that was fed by low-flow toilet, no urine diversion, no nothing?
Now the system would have to be set up and charged, essentially filled with the makings for a good and potent actively aerated compost extract, and set up as an aerated liquid composter, such that when the feces hit the circulating system (no fans, thank you, unless our
solar chimney idea needs a little
boost), they get rapidly and completely devoured, pathogens and all, by the roiling, swirling, bubbling froth of beneficial biological activity.
If I were to attempt this, I think one container would be better, but depending on scale, that might be two IBCs, one for active biological processing of fresh contributions, and a second stage, same as the first, that continues to swirl and bubble in conditions best suited for beneficial soil bacteria, with a valve at the bottom to allow for withdrawals, or direct connection to a fertigation setup, even if just for my woodlot and windbreaks.
Don't get me wrong. This is a thought experiment. I don't like macerating pump-based toilets because of what happens if and when they fail, and that would be the downfall of this system, too. But if, for instance, such an aerated compost extract bioreactor for fecal composting sped up the process, and ensured no possibility of pathogenicity in the end-product, the benefits might, indeed, outweigh the added hassle.
Of course there's nothing wrong with mummifying feces in sawdust or whatever. The pathogens die if they dessicate, so mission accomplished, sort of?
Oh, and does anyone know how the poop reclamation projects up at the lab are doing? Don't they have many barrels of aged poop just standing there? I wonder how they turned out?
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
-Robert A. Heinlein