We used to fatten pigs on potatoes. Back then we grew a few hundred acres, and would keep
water boiling in a 55 gallon drum and boil the undesirable potatoes that could not be sold (over or undersized) and fatten the pigs with them. They got really fat fast on all that starch.
I used to stuff the corn silage to my sheep to get them fat, but I had Montadales at the time, and they would go over the weight limit. I got a nasty letter from the woman who was buying my sheep because the extra slaughter charge was really cutting into her profits.
Whether sheep or pigs, both would do well on potatoes, and I went so far as the ask my Extension about it, but they would not even
answer my question. I thought it would be a great test, to see if the pounds of feed per acre for potatoes worked out well to weight on the hoof. I think it would, but that is just a guess. I never did test my thoughts on it.
I present the idea here in case anyone wants to try it.