The wonderful thing about getting
wood chips from a
local tree service it they are free. The company I contacted even asked if there was any wood I didn't want. I told them I don't want English, or black walnut or oleander. I know Oleander's poison dissipates after 50 days of composting, I just didn't want to deal with it, especially knowing there would be leaves, and maybe even flowers mixed in.
I asked for three loads, and the first two are beautiful! The last load, as big as the first two combined is horrible! I don't know what it is. It is a very light in color, it shredded instead of chipping, there are tons of long thin strips of wood. This makes it very hard to shovel. I also found branches with red berries, I thought maybe hawthorn, but the berries don't have a dark spot on the bottom. It is running so hot it steams. Worst of all there is so much fungus it literally forms a cloud when you move it, and I don't have a respirator.
I thought about calling the company and asking if they know what the last load was, but didn't find all this out for a couple weeks after delivery, and thought it might sound ungrateful.
The reason for this post is to gain knowledge of other wood to avoid. So next time I will be happy with all the chips I get instead of having to constantly remind myself that it will be worth it in the end. I hope. (Most of this pile is going in my
rose garden, I hope I don't end up with a host of fugal problems.)
I look forward to your input,