See Paul's replies in the previous post.
Michael Holtman wrote:
PS Id love to hear Jocelyn"s professional opinion!
Sorry I was AWOL there. Things got a bit nutty for me because my mom was dying. She passed away in mid-November and then, my daughter had a baby, my first grandchild (!!) in early December.
And now it's year-end craziness for my business.
My professional opinion is as an accountant though not quite a CPA and certainly not a lawyer. So with that qualifier, here are a few opinions from my
experience. You might wish to confirm with your own CPA or tax attorney.
--Purchasing pie to promote your presence on, especially if you have a business related signature in your profile, or business related posts and conversations, would, IMHO, qualify as a marketing expense.
--Bartering has two categories that IRS treats very differently:
material goods bartering - the IRS insists that both parties report the market value of income and expense in this type of tradeservices only barter - the IRS does not require the value of bartered services to be reported.
Paul is correct that I'm currently not offering my services in exchange for pie. Though keep an eye out for some future posts and updates. I have a passion for helping solopreneurs and mom-and-pop size businesses, and I'd like to share more about that here on
One thread where I opined quite extensively is
year end bookkeeping checklist & bookkeeping advice.
And do tell us what you might like to offer for those with pie!