Well when we put in our
wood boiler and built a building to house it we were doing it to save money..i knew it was not a good idea but couldn't fight the MEN in the family.
Well I built a 16x16 building around the wood boiler, to hold wood, and to make it easy for my hubby to get wood inside i put in a very expensive double steel door that opened out from the center with 9 light windows in the top for sunlight..
so far it had worked really nice, until the 4th load of wood yesterday.
Hubby (head injury remember) was driving
tractor with
bucket full of wood trying to get it close to the shed to be able to reach it easily thru the door to stack it..and WHAMMMMOOOOO ! he hit the door with the tractor..embarrassed he went into the house..son next door had witnessed the accident and changed and hurried over to help..door on left side (2nd to open) hanging by fractured splinters of wood ready to fall off..all screw holes shattered where hinges go on..we managed to get it off before it fell and broke any glass..and there wasn't a lot of metal damage to the door but the entire frame was shattered into tiny little splinters.
we had a snowstorm moving in and it was nearly dark..but we put the door inside and went to work on the frame to reinforce it with some shims and screws to temporarily get it fixed well
enough to run 3" screws through to the framework of the buildingand try to rehang the door..after 2 hours in freezing temps, we managed to get the door rehung, all out of square and didn't want to close..more shimming and moving screws around we forced the door closed and locked..the right hand door worked fairly well..so we can still get in and out..but there is a note on the left door "do not open this door" and we won't be able to properly fix it until summer when it is warm enough to take it all apart and try over..hopefully we'll be able to figure it out at that time, in the meantime i'm trying to not make hubby feel too badly..as his depression is bad enough..
but we did get over a cord of
firewood in before the storm, i got up this morning and he had sneaked in with the wheelborrow another cord..bless his heart..he felt so bad..