So here is what I've got so far. I don't get cold
enough to have "truly fallow" beds in the winter. Crops keep growing, so I generally have 1 or 2 beds planted with some sort of rabbit forage (oats, buckwheat, sorghum) after burying a bokashi
bucket in it, "taking a break". I try to keep it all mulched with sugarcane bagasse. I've kept these
rabbits for a year and a half now and they are making a marked difference, both in terms of their manure as well as their eating the weeds I pull (much less to mulch, and better mulch).
I have a lot of bug pressure, lots of bugs I never saw before. Nearly everyone uses toxic gick but there are some folks with ideas on Youtube lately and I've been testing my luck. Lately doing well with a disgusting fermented onion skin concoction. The bean beetles have been amazingly terrible the last few years, so I'm trying whatever I can find.
Overall view looking out off my porch (my house is behind the porch. The house takes up the whole lot, there is no connection between front
yard and back yard, and everything (including the bundles of sugarcane bagasse I get out of the trash and bring home to mulch) has to go through my small house's kitchen. But it's a great house, no more than I need, and I'm thrilled with it.
The lot is 7 m across and maybe 8 m down. Soil is heavy clay, so the main path (down sloping) was concreted to avoid the old muddy
boot problem. Beds were enclosed using recycled clay roofing tiles to try to keep down invasive grasses. I catch rainwater in that big old barrel. In this pic you can see it's spring and everything is going wild with regular rain and heat. The things on the walls are passionfruits (the one on the right got shredded by a hailstorm about a month or two ago but you'd never know it). I have a lot of volunteers and let them stay if they`ll be useful- which is why there is a weird wild chicory, a bunch of white mulberries, and red shiso plants absolutely everywhere.
This is my "hospital" area (it's protected under the eaves) as well as mulch storage. This poor blueberry is recuperating from drought. I plant my scallion tops in the "manger". You can see a plant on the left with a weirdish snowflake-shaped leaf. My mother in law gave me the seed saying it was bitter melon (which has exactly the same leaf and growth habit) but it turns out to be achocha- a good cucumber substitute for rainy years when cucumber doesn`t do well. I keep it and enjoy it.
Looking out for cats amongst the basil
Pole beans, bitter eggplant (jiló), kale, and a mystery
volunteer squash. I think it might be acorn? You can also see a white bag at bottom, it is blue potatoes. So far so good, my second season with them, just unrolled the bag and heaped up earlier today.
a half-fallow bed. Far part got a bokashi barrel dumped and buried a few months ago and black oats planted on top to
feed rabbits later. In the mid ground there is a patch of garlic, and foreground has some collards and kale. As well as chrysanthemums, which are mysteriously happy in the summer heat?
Next bed down, more pole beans and some baby Asian eggplants planted among the mulch. The papayas were
compost volunteers and I'm letting them grow as trellises for scarlet runner beans; they seem to both be males so unlikely to fruit but they do make good supports. I use a lot of rebar in my garden,
wood is expensive and tends to weather badly.
In the top right is a chayote I keep for rabbit browse (hello rabbits in the back corner), there used to be a tangerine tree in the middle of this bed but it was constantly full of leaf curl and never flowered, so I just cut it down.
farther down the hill I have a few things in pots (sweet potatoes, yellow plum) and a blood orange tree I just put in the ground after last year it was covered with some sort of scale bug. It looks much happier now and if I'm not mistaken I see some fruit. I had it for about 5 years in a container and got one orange; maybe this year I'll get lucky! Next to it is some buckwheat, that back corner used to be a sandpile after some construction, I'll probably cut it and feed the foliage to the rabbits (it's already flowering.... I planted it maybe a month ago) and then reseed it again. In the box at left is asparagus, grown from seed. Cant get that for love nor money here, I just dug up and divided the crowns this spring and am letting it recover this year. Next year, it's on my plate. The box is about 10 or 12 inches deep. My soil is clay and rocks, so I figured asparagus needed some special treatment.
I also have an entire container garden under the carport (plantport) in my front yard. The tomatoes have too much bug pressure out in the open, but under the carport they have a shot. This year this gladiola surprised me, I've never seen one so dark.