John Weiland wrote:
Scott Foster wrote:Must be she and not a he, reading your link, only the females drink the blood. Vampire fly.
Wow....that's a monster! I'm thinking it may be a new hybrid between a horse fly and a botfly:
She probably didn't get time to lay more than 10 - 20 eggs before you nuked her..... :-)
Do you have stable flies where you are? We can put a man on the moon but stable flies re-emerge each year unphased by typical control measures....with annoying and painful consequences.
Yes, she was a mutant bot fly and I'm undergoing the initial transformation as a zombie. I'm ground zero for the next zombie apocalypse. :-)
We have an equestrian center and horse boarding on our back lot-line. We usually have flies really bad but this is the first time I've seen one of these.
I think it may due to the fact that my food forest is starting to take
root. I'm getting some grassy,
perennial type areas along edges and I've noticed a big surge in all things bug this year. With the good comes the bad