On podcast 282,
Geoff Lawton Q& A Round 3, Geoff and Paul are talking about favorite storage crops for cold climates, or for climates with cold winters.
At 23:42 into the podcast (which you can tune in to if you choose the Download option - but not the Listen
Online option), Geoff is talking about some plant I don't recognize. The phonetic spelling might be be AH-rih-KAH-shuh, or possible EH-rih-KAH-shah...? What is that plant? I've tried searching a few spellings... but no luck. I end up with a
city in Italy, or something else unrelated. It's not listed in the notes, either. It would be in the spot between
perennial onions and the next question about the best two animals for cold climates.
If you can only use the Listen Online option, it's a little bit more than 1/3 the way through.
Thanks to any who can help!