Are seaberry cultivars worth the effort/cost it takes to get them? Are their berries that much bigger and tastier? On one hand, special culticars cost from about $20 a piece
online whereas seedlings can be bought as a bundle or even grown for from seed for free. On the other hand, I want high quality genetics for all of my plants, and if the genetics are low quality, I wouldnt want to bother.
I plan to plant a bunch of seaberry bushes in the near future. I could probably fbuy a bundle of 20 seaberry seedlings for the price of a couple individuals of known cultivars. If I decide to buy some cultivars, I would have to buy them, let them grow until I could determine their sex, stool layer them, and then finally plant them. Is it worth it?
If anyone has any seaberries that are stool layered and ready to transplant plant, I would trade them for some elderberry or black/red currant cuttings.