I feel like this
project was like a chapter in "If You Give a
Mouse a Muffin"--ha! I needed a
pouch to attach to my purse to hold our little car booper thing that unlocks the car doors. Of
course, I didn't have matching yarn. BUT, I did have matching roving. So I spun my own yarn...only to find out I needed a niddy noddy. I was going to do one of those PVC niddy noddies...but I didn't want to spend the money and have more plastic. And I realized that niddy noddies didn't look too much more complicated than the compound mallet I'd learned to do for the
Round Wood badge (thanks,
PEP, for teaching me useful skills! It's really empowering!).
So, I grabbed two sticks of seasoned maple
wood from our woodpile, and went out to the woods and cut off a relatively straight maple branch for the middle. I wanted to use dry wood to prevent splitting and shrinkage (I wanted my niddy noddy to be easy to take apart and swivel), and used green/fresh wood for the middle because it's a LOT easier to carve.
Carved off the bark from the middle stick
And carved off the bark from the other sticks, so it'd be smooth
Then, carved the ends down to pegs the side that fit my drill bit.
And then drilled through (I used an antique manual drill, but a normal drill would do, too!). I pre-drilled with a small bit to act as a guide for when I drilled with the big bit.
Sanded everything down (and carved shallow divets near the ends of the end pieces to help keep the yarn from falling off), and skeined my yarn!
If I'd been good, I would have made it be a specific size, but I really didn't care, as I'm not selling my yarn. Each wind on it is a little over 100 inches. This is about 160 feet of yarn! Now to figure out how to set the twist, and then on to making the pouch!
I couldn't find any tutorials on how to make a roundwood niddy noddy, so I thought I'd make my own. I love how it cost nothing!