Because some of us don't yet have a
yard. So I'm a wage slave in good old Portlandia. I live in an apartment yet I love ipthe idea of
permaculture and try to be as self sustaining as is possible. I figured there has to be a few others like me, so I desided to make a topic about
permaculture principles on a patio setting. Even if you aren't in our position, but have a great idea to help us out feel free to chime in.
First let me leave my favorite trick; stacking pots. This is based on similar ideas to the herb spiral, but more mobile and patio friendly. You will need: 1 Peice of rebar (size 3-6 feet depending how high you want to stack and how high your apartments will let you), 1 large pot, 2-8 medium to small pots, and dirt. You begin by placing the rebar in the bottom hole of the biggest pot, then fill that pot with dirt, adding a little gravel at the bottom is preferred but not required. Once the pot is full, slide the second pot over the top of the rebar. Once at the bottom tilt it so it sits diagonal instead of up strait. Fill with dirt. Slide the next pot down but place it diagonal at the opposite angle leaving maximum soil exposure to sun. Repeat till finished. This allows you to plant several herbs and small plants where before you could only fit one. Also while this is just my theory it sounds soild to me; planting soil fixing plants on the top layers
should fix the minerals in all pots by simply watering on top only and letting the
water drain down carrying the nutrients with it.
Well there is my tip, if there is any other wannabe permies like me stuck in a wage slave/apartment situation then please chime in with your ideas.