So, the
local Chinese community apparently enjoyed the suckling pig we killed. When I delivered it he told me that if it tasted good they'd probably want more. I got an order for 2, so I guess it tasted all right. I did inform him there was no way in hell we were going to stab another pig. It was shoot it or nothing at all. So, imagine my relief when they wanted them alive. They specifically requested females, which I find interesting. We just so happened to have 2 females, so they were delivered Saturday. Now we just have males left, so not sure if they'll be wanting them or not.
Anyway, so we're 3 pigs down from 15. The plan is to kill all the teen aged pigs, skin them, cut off the shoulder and ham and then just chop them in half and save them as whole meal roasters. We will be doing that ourselves.
Going to take the 4 big pigs to the butcher. For one, we are super attached to 2 of them. We've had them 3 years, they're just calm wonderful pigs and my husband doesn't think he can shoot them. I know I can't. We're going to ask the butcher to kill, scrape and gut them. Then we'll bring them home whole to cut up. Otherwise we have had bad luck with butchers. We once took 2 pigs and ended up with 14 hams and 0 tenderloins.
Then we'll just have 2 small piglets left and I'm not sure if we'll let them grow a bit bigger before butchering or if the Chinese will want them. Either way, hoping to be out of pigs by summer.