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A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
-Robert A. Heinlein
thomas rubino wrote:Hi Elle;
Yes, that sounds like a horrible first experience! It could have been worse, she could have been screaming the whole time!
When you use a .22 to the forehead it does not kill them rite off , they drop to the ground and their heart is still beating. Then you cut the throat, just enough to open the artery.They bleed out in just a moment. Very peaceful, well compared to chasing one around.
Any modern butcher would skin that pig. I did watch a video of a mobile butcher in N.Z. with a bathtub of heated water do amazing things in no time at all.
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Chris Kott wrote:Yeah. I'm sorry you went through that, Elle. I want to do pigs myself, at least on the homestead scale, but have no experience with mammal kills. Yours is a hard decision, but borne of important self-knowledge, and a sound appraisal of the market.
Trees are easier. They may bleed, but it's slowly, and they apparently "scream" when injured, but we don't hear it.
And they don't run around with their trunks half-slashed like nothing's wrong.
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James 1:19-20
Not all those who wander are lost - J. R. R. Tolkien
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bruce Fine wrote:why not fatten the hogs up they will get close to 300 pounds, I must be missing something, what is the benefit of a suckling pig? kind of like veal from baby cows?
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Flora Eerschay wrote:I'm sorry for you. Don't you use a captive bolt pistol on pigs? Then hang them and then cut the throat? That's how I understand the process.
I tried to learn about stunning and butchering of various animals just to know what I accept as a meat eater, but I decided that if I ever do it myself, I will first learn it from another person. Even if that person does it in a less humane way than I believe it should be done, I think it's just not something to be learned from books and videos alone... or online.
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Caleb Mayfield wrote:Quite the ordeal. I'm sorry it went that way for you. I've seen the scald and scrape approach on video, as well as another that I have only seen once. It might be an easier approach for the next one. It starts at 1:58. This video insert is the whole video.
Wish I lived closer. Pigs are one species I have not butchered yet and want to. I'd give you hand just for the opportunity if I could.
The gas in the GI system is not uncommon. I usually see that in deer that have been eating just prior to harvesting.
I hope the rest of it goes much more smoothly.
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elle sagenev wrote:Bolt guns cost an upwards of $300.
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Flora Eerschay wrote:
elle sagenev wrote:Bolt guns cost an upwards of $300.
I know! And it's not even the most expensive thing. I'm one of those owners who tend to spend a fortune on their pets, at the vets or for accessories etc (but I'm trying to find a reasonable balance somewhere in between the crazy pet owner and the practical farmer), so I'd probably buy. But first I would borrow one from the person whom I'd ask to show me how it's done, and then I'd buy if I decided that I'm going to do butchering myself.
But I'm only killing snails and mosquitos... maybe I also vacummed some spiders and drowned some mice ;) (they tend to jump into beer traps for snails, who knew).
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Trying to achieve self-reliance on a tiny suburban plot:
Drew Moffatt wrote:Sticking and cutting the throat are two different things.
To stick a tame pig I either tip it over or shoot it in the forehead with a .22 if it's too big and then stick the knife at the base of the throat straight down into the heart.
I have a dedicated 6in blade for this.
It only leaves a small hole that way and is easy to work around whilst scalding.
Muela Scorpion.
Known as a pig sticker in NZ.
Also excellent for removing throats and back ends when gutting deer.
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
-Robert A. Heinlein
Drew Moffatt wrote:Sticking and cutting the throat are two different things.
To stick a tame pig I either tip it over or shoot it in the forehead with a .22 if it's too big and then stick the knife at the base of the throat straight down into the heart.
I have a dedicated 6in blade for this.
It only leaves a small hole that way and is easy to work around whilst scalding.
Muela Scorpion.
Known as a pig sticker in NZ.
Also excellent for removing throats and back ends when gutting deer.
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