Materials which can be applied to Certified Organic crops must be listed with the Organic Materials Review Institute (
OMRI). You can download their lists of approved materials on their
download page.
There are 3 lists:
Crop products (.pdf)Livestock Products .pdfProcessing and Handling products .pdf
Looking at the crop products list, Streptomycin Sulfate is in there. It is produced by bacteria. The claim would be that it is organic for this reason.
I once had a discussion with a senior manager at a phosphate plant who claimed their products were 'natural' because they came from the earth. My view was that the stuff is processed and refined, which alters its 'natural' properties.
The lists are replete with products which a 'natural grower, such as myself, would find questionable.
Mycoshield® NuFarm Americas, Inc. CP TetracyclineEARTH OPTIONS BY Raid™ insecticidal soap § S.C. Johnson & Son Inc CP Soap – pesticideEpsom Salt Giles Chemical, a Division of Premier Magnesia, LLC § CF Magnesium Sulfate – syntheticGreenClean® Broad Spectrum Algaecide/Bactericide Liquid § BioSafe Systems CP Hydrogen PeroxideMuriate of Potash 0-0-62 Untreated Fine § Mosaic Crop Nutrition, LLC CF Potassium Chloride (KCl)
Know Your Farmer!
The best defense, if you don't grow/raise your own food, is to get down to the farm, see the process, talk with the farmer, meet the livestock, look at the crops.