SKIP books, get 'em while they're hot!!! Skills to Inherit Property
See me in a movie building a massive wood staircase:Low Tech Lab Movie
Growing on my small acre in SW USA; Fruit/Nut trees w/ annuals, Chickens, lamb, pigs; rabbits and in-laws onto property soon.
Long term goal - chairmaker, luthier, and stay-at-home farm dad. Check out my music!
Standing on the shoulders of giants. Giants with dirt under their nails
Myrth Montana wrote:One supplier I have had some luck with is They do not always have what I want. But when they do they are my first pick. This coop has never let me down in many, many years. I don’t get anything for promoting them other than knowing I should do my part to keep a great coop going. 💚
Myrth Montana wrote:One supplier I have had some luck with is
SKIP books, get 'em while they're hot!!! Skills to Inherit Property
See me in a movie building a massive wood staircase:Low Tech Lab Movie
Constantinos Avgeris wrote:
Has anyone ordered from the Arbor Day Foundation?
Standing on the shoulders of giants. Giants with dirt under their nails
Sometimes the answer is nothing
Constantinos Avgeris wrote:Where can I get fruit tree seeds to grow? I just did a quick search and didnt find any seeds.
Tj Jefferson wrote:
Constantinos Avgeris wrote:
Has anyone ordered from the Arbor Day Foundation?
My lowest possible recommendation. I ordered thornless honey locust and they had massive tire poppers. Other species were incorrect. Poor rooting. Cannot say enough to not recommend them.
Are they on the wiki? They should be... I'll try to do something if they aren't.
I can't edit this I'm on my phone. HTML is not something I can edit on here feel free to delete
Constantinos Avgeris wrote:Where can I get fruit tree seeds to grow? I just did a quick search and didnt find any seeds.
Western Montana gardener and botanist in zone 6a according to 2012 zone update.
Gardening on lakebed sediments with 7 inch silty clay loam topsoil, 7 inch clay accumulation layer underneath, have added sand in places.
Constantinos Avgeris wrote:I am going to be planting roughly 30 fruit trees in my yard this spring and I want to buy all organic trees but theyre price is substantially more than non organic.
Once the trees are sprayed with pesticides are they scared for life?
Will they still produce nutrient dense fruit?
Thank You
Sure, he can talk to fish, but don't ask him what they say. You're better off reading a tiny ad:
permaculture bootcamp - learn permaculture through a little hard work