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QuickBooks set up and Bookkeeping for Small Businesses and Farms - jocelyncampbell.com
From: Jocelyn Campbell
Date: Thu, May 11, 2017 at 12:28 PM
Subject: Do not spray the certified organic farm Azure Standard!
To: lhernandez@co.sherman.or.us
Hi Lauren and Sherman County officials,
I have been a loyal customer of Azure's for decades now. First when I lived in Washington State, and now from our homestead in Montana where we buy food for dozens of people each month.
We want toxin-free food and if you spray Azure's farm with herbicides, we will be forced to find our clean, organic food elsewhere. Which would mean an income reduction for Azure. Which then would reduce Sherman County and Oregon State tax revenues.
Multiply this by the thousands of customers who rely on Azure for the high-quality, toxin-free, delicious and nutritious food it provides, and you're looking at HUGE revenue losses.
Do. not. spray. this certified organic farm.
Jocelyn Campbell
Missoula, Montana
QuickBooks set up and Bookkeeping for Small Businesses and Farms - jocelyncampbell.com
to lhernandez
re: possible court order to spray Azure Farms with weed chemicals
Please do not allow this to happen to a farm that has been certified organic for 18 years or any organic farm for that matter.
We think that the precedent set by allowing this could put many organic growers in jeopardy. Think of the repercussions if this major organic farm loses it's organic status.....at the minimum it would cause the farm to lose a lot of business and income and be assured, those of us buying organic or better won't stoop to gmo and round up sprayed crops...our business will still be with organically raised food.
I am sure there is some way to allow an exemption from this 'clause' for an organic farm that has worked to control noxious weeds without toxic remedies and at the same time successfully grow organic crops.
Thank you.
"We're all just walking each other home." -Ram Dass
"Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder."-Rumi
"It's all one song!" -Neil Young
Awesome! I hope that county is completely overwhelmed with messages to not spray those toxins!
Beautiful, Miles! I like "the chemicals you will be using are far more noxious than any weed on your noxious list"!
QuickBooks set up and Bookkeeping for Small Businesses and Farms - jocelyncampbell.com
Reminiscing Remnant
Jenn Lumpkin wrote:This very recent article says Azure's headquarters burned to the ground overnight.
just search for the word Azure on here:
The loss of the facility and the impact on company-wide operations is being assessed and expected to be limited and temporary. No other Azure Standard facilities were affected.
QuickBooks set up and Bookkeeping for Small Businesses and Farms - jocelyncampbell.com
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