Hi Maruf, Kelly Hart has a lot of experience with Earthbags. His site has a FAQ section on what can be used other than poly bags here:
Earthbag faqs
I notice that he says he doesn't prefer the bags to decompose. Perhaps one of the answers explains why. You can let us know when you find out!
I'm not sure how the bags would decompose anyways (minus if used for the foundation layer) since they
should be encased (mummified) amongst air,
water and sun by the exterior/interior plaster layers.
I know that what is called hyperadobe is considered much better than the superadobe because of the better bond and probably eliminating the barbed wire altogether. Check it out here:
I wished that I had gone this route when I built as it makes a lot more sense and working with the barbed wire was not always fun. Harder to source it out than
local feed bags which are commonly used, but then I haven't looked recently very hard either.