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S Rogers wrote:This may or may not be part of the same Q & A, but updating the information on bringing along littles and support persons? The most recent post I could find directly related was 2019.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
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Perfect The Dwelling Land
Perfect The Dwelling Land
Candice Churchwell wrote:
-general expectations - outdoors 8 hours a day ish in all /extreme weather conditions; physical (bending, climbing, standing, leaning, carrying, lifting, digging, use of power tools optional etc), but that we can make some accommodations as necessary. Sharing a bunk with others (all ages, all genders) is the typical.
Candice Churchwell wrote: Sharing a bunk with others (all ages, all genders) is the typical.
Finally! An Online Garden Master Course for permies!
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Being weird is easy. Making it mainstream is hard. Be brave!
Candice Churchwell wrote:For women who have never visited or been to the bootcamp what keeps you from doing so?
Gemma Boyd
Gemma Boyd wrote:Many thanks for this thread. It’s answered some of my questions.
The one big reservation I have is sharing personal / sleeping space with other people. While I’m open-minded and keen to learn and explore new things, it’s very important to me to have my own safe-feeling, quiet space to return to at the end of the day. If it’s acceptable to live in a single tent at night, that would be more than fine with me. I’m just double checking if this would be okay, please?
The other thing that I’ve been wondering about is do you accept at Wheaton Labs women from abroad? I’m based in the UK and am hoping that Brexit won’t prevent me from staying with you for longer periods of time?
Lastly, I have a beloved male (castrated) tom cat called Buddy who if I were to stay long-term, I’d like to have with me. How possible would this be, please?
Beau Davidson wrote:
Gemma Boyd wrote:Many thanks for this thread. It’s answered some of my questions.
Hi Gemma, thanks for your questions.
The one big reservation I have is sharing personal / sleeping space with other people. While I’m open-minded and keen to learn and explore new things, it’s very important to me to have my own safe-feeling, quiet space to return to at the end of the day. If it’s acceptable to live in a single tent at night, that would be more than fine with me. I’m just double checking if this would be okay, please?
I believe boots can tent it whenever they want.
The other thing that I’ve been wondering about is do you accept at Wheaton Labs women from abroad? I’m based in the UK and am hoping that Brexit won’t prevent me from staying with you for longer periods of time?
Pretty sure people can, and have, come from anywhere, provided that they come legally.
Lastly, I have a beloved male (castrated) tom cat called Buddy who if I were to stay long-term, I’d like to have with me. How possible would this be, please?
Good question - maybe this is case-by-case. Someone else may have a better answer . . .
Gemma Boyd
"We carry a new world here, in our hearts..."
Stephen B. Thomas wrote:For reference, here's an example of most of the options for today's "Project Day." Some of them might be physically-demanding, others not so much. It's kind of a spectrum.
(also, my apologies if some of these things don't immediately make sense... We have our own references, terms, and even nicknames for certain equipment here!)
As the week goes on, we'll tackle them all to some extent. However everyone has their own "strengths and circumstances," so to speak. and no one's forced to do tasks - especially if they have physical limitations. I'd say in general if someone has a gut feeling of, "I would never, ever do that!" then we'd find a way to accommodate. There's always something else that can be done.
Gemma Boyd
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Mike Haasl wrote:I saw a note from Paul somewhere where he said they've allowed pets many times. I'm guessing it depends on the cat but they seem to be more worried about dogs eating their cats than the other way around.
Gemma Boyd
Candice Engel wrote:For women who have never visited or been to the bootcamp what keeps you from doing so?
For women who have visited, what are the top 3 things you wish you had known before you arrived?
These questions are two-fold - what objections do we need to overcome to get women to say yes to bootcamp? And what 3-5 things could we send little info videos a few days ahead of arrival to help better prepare people of what to expect when they arrive?
"Also, just as you want men to do to you, do the same way to them" (Luke 6:31)
wendy marie wrote:Also, I'd love to do the boot camp ..I'm that something that could be supported within the work and program? Just curious to know before I get in on it and make the drive..THANK YOU!
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