Hi Permies:)
Thanks for all the great reading so far!
I'm fairly new to
gardening, and totally new to
permaculture, although I've been pleasantly surprised to see that I'm doing a lot of it already. I've been reading this forum nonstop for about three days- to the point where I'm getting funny looks off himself- and I've got a million questions now, so I hope you'll forgive the ensuing stream of ignorance... Btw, I've got the
books on my wishlist, but until my financial situation looks up, or the
local library gets them in, I'm kinda relying on you folks.
So, my first question: Do most people maintain a strict rotation of annuals in their
permaculture gardens, or do you rely purely on
polyculture to keep your plants disease and pest free(ish), or something in between? How is it working out? I read an earlier
thread on the subject, which was helpful; Brenda Groth (I hope I got the name right) recommended rotating annuals through beds planted with a variety of other things, which seems really sensible to me. I'm wondering, though, whether it's possible to get away from rotation entirely.
The reasons I'd like to not have to rotate are:
1. in my cool-temperate climate I rely heavily on brassicas, and more than 1/4 of my crops come from that family, so it's hard to squeeze them through my four year rotation system, and with space at a premium for them I begrudge sharing it with other plants.
2. trying to keep polyculture beds organised in such a way so there is no crossover is a nightmare (eg. I want to plant radishes amongst non-brassica vegetables, or perennials in the beds which are from the same family as some of the rotating annuals). Maybe I'm over thinking this? I've been accused of being, well, retentive, before now...
3. certain parts of my smallish garden are much better suited for certain plants than others, and it annoys me to have to put them somewhere less suitible next year, and move in something else that was happier elsewhere. Examples are areas of part shade vs. full sun, and some areas being more suitable for vertical growing. I'd love to be able to just plant everything throughout the garden, each plant in a place where it will be happy. Apart from anything else it would look a lot nicer!
Having said that, I live in fear of clubroot and other problems, and there is also the issue of the cabbage whites, whose caterpillars normally destroy (and I don't mean nibble, I mean destroy) any cabbage, kale, or broccoli grown without netting.
My current plan for this season is to grow all the big brassicas in one (rotational) bed, under netting, but I instinctively dislike having a monoculture like that, and I now know that there are good reasons to! I can include some beneficial ground cover plants with them, but it's still not really polyculture, and there isn't room for anything else.
Hmm, my crop rotation question has turned into brassica themed rant somehow. They're just trouble makers I guess, and provide the best examples of what's making me crazy!
Any thoughts? I appreciate any feedback, even if it's just to tell me I've got my head up my behind:) Mostly I'm interested to know what other people do, though I know every situation is different.