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Zone 9b
Trace Oswald wrote:This isn't a great situation to be in. I can tell you this. I raised "pitbulls" for many, many years. Remember, above all else, they are still just dogs. People that haven't been exposed to them seem to impart almost supernatural abilities to these dogs, mostly due to the media. That isn't to say they can't be dangerous. Any pack of dogs can be dangerous, and a pack of strong athletic dogs can be very dangerous indeed. My point is just that you don't need to build Ft Knox to keep them out. I kept my dogs in a kennel with a 6 foot chain link fence and never had one get out. As far as your own enclosure goes, a 6 foot fence should be all you need, but some dogs can and do dig. To be extra sure, you could run a single strand of electric wire a foot or so above the ground. If it is powered by a horse charger and not one of those cheap pet store ones, one zap is all it will take.
Another thing I would do, and diligently, is call animal control every single time you see one of their dogs outside their area. If they have attacked animals before, it's hard to believe nothing has been done about it yet, and if they attacked a person, some action would surely have been taken. A person that owns a "pitbull" that mauls someone is in very deep water. They will almost surely be sued and the dog put down. If that didn't happen, I think someone is exaggerating the stories to you. People that owns dogs like that are often the type that think "killer dogs" are impressive and love to talk about how "bad" their dogs are. They give a very bad name to all the responsible APBT dogs and their owners. As I said, I raised them for more than 30 years and I've never had one bite, or attempt to bite, a person. Mine weren't even good watch dogs, because they pretty much just loved everyone. I have had some that were dog aggressive, but I had other breeds that were just as much, or more so. Lots of dogs simply don't like dogs they don't know. Regardless of any of that, I would call the local law enforcement agencies any time they were not fully under the control of the owners, and I would talk to all the other neighbors about doing the same.
Juniper Zen wrote:Dog person here:
If the dogs are already adept at going over a 4’ fence, a 6’ fence may not hold them. People can inadvertently train their dogs to climb/jump higher and higher fences by only raising it 1-2 feet at a time. To truly be secure, their holding area should have a chain link or solid roof, without any gaps for the dogs to squeeze through between the walls and roof. AND a solid bottom or buried walls to keep them from digging out. You may be able to get away with skipping the roof if you raise the walls to 6’ and then add one of those toppers that leans in toward the dogs, so they can’t get good purchase as they clamber over. Coyote rollers are also effective for some dogs, but no guarantees, and again you risk just reaching them to be more skilled climbers/jumpers.
I’ll second the above poster to say that you shouldn’t fall into the trap of thinking of these dogs as “killer pit bulls.” There are good and bad dogs of every breed. Their current bad reputation is caused by media sensationalism, which causes people who want “intimidating” dogs to get poorly bred pits and not raise them properly, which adds to more media sensationalism, etc. In past decades other breeds suffered from the same stigma - Rottweilers and German Shepherds, for example. Not to downplay your specific situation, because obviously THESE pits are dangerous, but don’t assume that they all are.
I can’t comment much on building a secure goat shelter as my experience is with keeping dogs contained rather than out, except that the same principles would work - chain link or solid fence, secure roof, buried wire. I don’t know about the right spacing for electric wire, but I agree that you would want to make sure that it is a STRONG current. Dogs with serious aggression or predatory instinct will blast right through what is typically used as underground electric fencing in people’s yards.
Catie George wrote:
I loath pitbulls. Had no opinion before I got a dog and started going to dog parks. Illegal here in Ontario, and the ones I meet are dog aggressive and should NOT be allowed to run loose on the street/brought to a dog park. (Sadly, that's the two places I have met them, despite "no pitbull" signs). I guess it selects for idiots for owners when you have to break the law to own one, and when the only place I meet them is where they shouldn't be!
A build too cool to miss:Mike's GreenhouseA great example:Joseph's Garden
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Gail Jardin wrote:
It turns out another neighbor has a pit bull too. I must have walked by it over a dozen times and never noticed because it was always inside or in a pen. Yesterday it was running loose and ran up to my kids and boy did I overreact! I thought it was one of the ones that has supposedly attacked people and livestock etc. Luckily it's owner came running after it and I realized it wasn't one of the bad dogs. Later on I came back and apologized to the owner for yelling at their dog and pulling a gun on it (I don't think the guy even realized I was ready to shoot his dog if it tried biting my kid). The dog came right up to me and let me scratch it's face and pet it and stuff. I'm glad I now know that if I see that particular pit bull running loose it's not a vicious dog and who to bring it back to. Both the dog and the owner have completely different personalities than the pack of pitbulls the neighbors have been warning me about.
A build too cool to miss:Mike's GreenhouseA great example:Joseph's Garden
All the soil info you'll ever need:
Redhawk's excellent soil-building series
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