are they big enough yet for
firewood, if so cut at least the ash down..might want to let the oaks grow..or a few.
ash are very very highly suceptible to the "emerald ash borer" and we have a huge crop of white ash trees here, and now a huge crop of woodpeckers as some of our trees have already become infected by the emerald ash borer.
it is going to cost us hundreds of dollars to remove one huge ash tree alone that is succumbing, it is right by the house and garage and
fence and other trees and is "full grown" or in otherwords HUGE..we have to hire a
bucket truck to come in and take it down.
now we won't allow any ash trees to get large enough to where we cannot cut them down without a bucket truck again..just too expensive and dangerous with the emerald ash borer to allow them to grow here.
we are allowing them to get to about a foot at the bottom, small enough to where we can cut them safely with a chainsaw for our own firewood (we heat with wood)..and then they come down ..the large one is going to be such a huge expense..
so I recommend taking down the ash, or at least any big enough to use as firewood..right now oaks are ok at least around here.