posted 4 years ago
I have always cut our dogs nails, I dont think any of them have ever been brought to the vet or groomers to get it done!
Here's what I have learned....
Definitely buy styptic powder. It lasts forever, isnt that expensive, and is great for piece of mind as quicked nails bleed like crazy!
As the former owner of a 175 lb St. Bernard, the trick is to make them enjoy it. We used to do one nail - snip!- one treat shoved in mouth. The first time, you can just do one nail per foot. Eventually, you can relax to one treat per two nails, then one treat per foot, then a treat at the end. I can do my standard poodles nails as she snoozes lying on her side, with no treats now. I do still give her a treat every few sessions.
The other trick is... use the right sized clippers. Two big, and they are easy to over cut, too small, and they crush rather than cut. We used to use small side cutters for one dog.
I like to do a few angles cuts around the quick, rather than one straight across. It helps the quick move back faster and is less rough, and looks better.
With dogs who are struggling - you can pick up a different paw, and they forget to tug the one you are cutting. Or I like to give a brisk shake of the paw, which often settles it down.
Also - a dog can get hurt just from cutting close to the quick, no blood, which is why a lot of dogs hate it I think. You know that sensation when you cut your nails too short?
With black nails, you can inspect and see a black centre thing after you make a cut. If you see that, STOP, do not cut further. Eventually you get so you can tell just by the shape of the nail where to cut.
If the dogs nails are very long, it's better to shave just a bit every 3 days, instead of trying to cut a lot and making it uncomfortable.