I'd suggest there's something wrong internally with Little Chick. If it was an illness, I suspect it would have spread to the others, but if there's something internally wrong, such as part of the digestive tract twisted so food's not traveling through well, it may not be getting
enough nutrition to grow.
When you see it eat, does its crop get full or is it mostly "pretending to eat"?
Is it just as lively and active as the others - just small?
One possibility is that it *was* ill, but overcame it enough not to die, but not enough to thrive. Do you have some naturally fermented foods you could try to get it to eat/drink in a small quantity in case it needs some "good bugs" in its gut.
In the past, when a chick's been "unsteady" it's been a slight stroke-like brain issue and we have had birds recover from that, but its food intake shouldn't have been affected.
Do you have a sensitive weigh scale? If so, please weigh it now and weigh it in a week if possible. With its mates growing so quickly, it may be growing very slowly and be hard to see when you're with them every day.