Once your seedlings have 2 true leaves (not the first two that pop out of the soil. The second set that actually look like that plant leaf.) you need to
feed the plant. When I re-potted my seedlings I potted them in 100% organic compost. Every second or third water I would use fish/kelp organic fertilizer at half recommended strength. To water I would fill a plastic tub thing I had from the dollar tree, I think it's for dishes. I would fill it an inch or two with water and the fish/kelp, and put seedling pots in for a while. When they feel heavy I would take them out. This worked very well for me. I was very happy, because this is my first year starting veggie seeds, and I didn't realize they needed to be fed so early in there growth, my seedlings looked very sad. I was worried my ignorance would make week unhappy veggies. Nature is sometime forgiving, my veggies grew healthy and strong and are starting to produce. I hope some of this helped. Good luck to you.