Hi Fiera:
answer your question, I agree with Greg above. In a word- no.
Perhaps you've heard the old saying that you "plant pears for your heirs". Pear trees are often slow to do much following the first few years after planting. Thereafter their pace picks up. A wise old orchardist once described the growth pattern of a pear tree to me as "sleep, creep, leap". Without knowing the exact dwarf rootstock your pear is on, it's still safe to say that your tree will fruit sooner that if it was on standard rootstock. Dwarf rootstock trees won't live as long as standard rootstock trees but you probably don't care if your pear tree is still alive in 150 or 200 years!
Your picture shows leaf buds. Once your tree starts to spur or form fruit buds you'll know you're getting close.
Leaf bud on the left, fruit bud or spur on the right: