Hello Im Bruce. I've been inspired, which is new for me and finished a
PDC course at Midwest
Permaculture in Nebraska, which is where I live and they gave me a piece of paper saying that I can do
permaculture stuff, so Im gonna. So Im in that transition phase. I'll keep my job for rest of year, replace it with easier job so Im not exhausted when doing
permaculture stuff, save cash, after work I attend permaculture school, which is me doing projects at my bosses
land, my grandmas residence, my apartment, plus I study related info. My lifes pursuit is exhausting. I work outside and actually my adult working life, accidentally, is very conducive to permaculture related stuff. Which is cool cuz I thought most of it sucked. See permaculture makes things better. Ha, I work full time or more and attend full time school at the university of nature, anyways...
So could someone tell me or point me to a resource that covers the legal side as far as if a single dude with a truck and a dream wanted to get hired to say install a rain catchment, or convert Granmas
yard into a permaculture oasis, what's the legal side. Tax codes, insurance. For instance, hypothetically grandmas is paying me minimum wage and covering needed material expense when I work on projects at her house. Thats right Im grandmas gardener and technically social security is funding permaculture. Probably the only way I'll get any social security, bazing. Grandma is doing this because she supports permaculture and grown ass men shouldn't work for free. Hypothetically it's just a cash job but if I was doing it "for real" what would I need to do to suffice the bureaucracy gods i.e. cover my ass?
I guess I could give permaculture classes and teach by doing? But then what do
PDC teachers tell the IRS?
So I met this cool couple
http://urbanedenkc.blogspot.com/ at the PDC course and they are square foot gardeners and they do yard maintenance stuff to all the while suggesting to clients permaculture ideas. So I plan on getting certified in things that will allow me to learn, practice, and teach permaculture. Like PDC which I have, square foot
gardening, master gardener...other stuff I havent found out about yet.
Thank you for your time.