I was watching some YouTube videos today and the woman really has her animal systems dialed in. It made me realize I need to level up to reduce the toil around my homestead. This also made me think of Paul Wheaton’s
eco scale of
permaculture. I’m wondering if
permaculture would benefit from being turned more into a game with levels that are unlocked as you gain more
If you took Geoff Lawton’s full
permaculture design and dropped it on a normal person who didn’t know what they were doing I think it would end in disaster. Geoff basically said as much with the greening the desert I video. He handed off the work to the locals and it was a disaster after he left. As I gain more experience I’m seeing more connections and a path higher. When I tell friends about what I’m doing they think I’m crazy because of the phenomenon Paul talked about in his eco scale. I’ve also had friends ask where to start and I say read Gaia’s Garden. They find it completely overwhelming and quit. I found it inspiring but that’s me. What I didn’t realize when I first read it was that getting to
Geoff Lawton’s level is a long road.
PDC course is also great but it’s another tour
de force. We’re trying to drop 50yrs of advanced designs on people that aren’t ready to handle it.
Paul has already basically laid out what such a course could look like but there’s no years of experience attached with each level. I’m sure it depends. There’s going to be savants that just get everything right away and people that struggle for years to learn the hard way.
Maybe something like this:
Level 1: plant a small garden and learn how to
compost. Spend 2 years doing this and scale up a little each year.
Level 2: learn about natural building and build a small
cob oven or rocket stove. Continue scaling the garden.
Level 3: learn about animal systems and how they can integrate to reduce toil.
Level 4: TBD
We could also borrow a tune from union apprenticeships and have apprentice, journeyman, master
permaculture practitioner.
Maybe these levels could be attached to your Permies profile. Level 1 people can see and learn from more experienced folks and help people get started.
I realize this is a bit regimented but I think it could be helpful. Permaculture is complicated and I think it could help people by limiting the scope of what they’re ready to handle just like any other apprenticeship.