I just ran across this
video, and there's a LOT of info packed into it, covering not just the great green wall, but also
CO2 from desertification, overgrazing, and rotational grazing. Overgrazing resulting in the release of carbon into the atmosphere--did you know there's more carbon stored in the soil than in the atmosphere? And when grasses are overgrazed, the plants and mircorganisms die, releasing their carbon into the atmosphere! There's:
250 million tons of C02 in animals
800 million tons of C02 in the atmosphere
2500 million tons of C02 in the soil
The great green wall is one of natural
trees planted across Africa at the boarder of the desert. There's also one being planted in India. I love how this video doesn't just cover the pausing of desertification, but goes on to explain how rotational grazing, like
Allan Savory's methods, can reverse desertification.