You might be disappointed. I've had SO MANY
LGD's at this point. Absolutely love them. We currently have 4, all boys. Not a ton of problems. Our oldest LGD is a pyr and he's 11. He is a good guard in that he wants to guard things. Unfortunately what he wants to guard is not what we want him to guard. He kills more poultry than any other predator we have. Absolutely useless with birds. Loved our neighbors cows though. Was desperate to guard them. It was a problem and we had to electrify the
fence to keep him from being shot by the neighbor, who was less of a fan. He's in tact and has the wandering spirit.
Then we got Sparta our akbash. LOVE that dog. He's big, beautiful lover. Absolutely useless as a guard. He won't hurt a fly. He's the best though as he won't wander at all. In fact, if you let him outside and don't go with him he stands next to the door waiting. He goes with the kids when they're out on the property. I don't think he'll guard them, exactly, but a gigantic dog is certainly a deterrent I'd think.
Then we got a pup which died at 6 months because his kidney's didn't grow with him. It was probably a blessing because he was highly aggressive, particularly to our kids.
Then we tried again doing a pyr/akbash. He's 3 now. He's an ok guard. He's sweet with the kids. Ok outside. He does wander farther than we appreciate. He has bad hips though, so probably not going to make it that much longer.
Then we have an adopted 2 year old pyr/anatolian. He was raised in a suburb but shockingly wasn't fit for it. He wants to guard everything and barks non-stop. Not reliable loose because he wants to run absolutely everywhere. I'm not unhappy with him though. He's an alright dog. Just have to lock him up when people come to the house because he's not super fond of strangers. Means he's probably going to watch out for us just fine though.
I guess I'm saying you can train them and you should. However, it's probably a personality thing too. Some dogs are more suited to certain tasks than others.
btw all our dogs were bred on farms from active guard stock.