Problem: Small orchard - about 30+
trees - consisting of mostly
apple, some peach, pear, apricot, plum, (mulberry, pecan, elderberry that are not yet mature). Trees always start to leave out in Feb, and buds appear shortly after. Then we always get a late frost just after all the trees bloom. Most of the apples still produce, but only one year (in four that we've been here) have we had peaches; a handful of plums, nothing else.
My thought was to build tree
wells with retaining blocks and pave much of the area between under the more tender trees in hopes that the amount of clay brick and blocks would retain
enough heat to prevent the late frost loss. I thought this would 'kill two birds' and also eliminate the need to mow and give us more patio area. I was also going to build some planters between some of the trees. However, I've just been reading through some other posts that mentioned the small rootlets on the trees that grow a couple times throughout the year. My plan was to do some minimal tilling to level out some of the rough spots and put down lots of wet
cardboard as a base for the pavers. Now, I'm wondering if the pavers covering the soil would harm the small rootlets.
Below is a pic of some of the area with a couple of trees that I've already laid a block wall beneath. (Please excuse all the mess in the photo. This was taken when I was hardening off some of the garden plants.)