I want peaches...and apples, plums, pears, cherries......and I want them EVERY YEAR! I've been told that where we're at (4 years new here) that fruit
trees only produce every 5-7 years. We're at about 4500', arid high-desert. Late frost always hits after trees bud. This was our first year getting peaches from a couple of trees. The apples have produced every year so far, some better than others, but they've all been ruined by coddling moths. So, I have some plans about controlling the coddling moths - hormone traps wrapping the trunks mostly. We finally identified one tree as cherry because it finally produced 3 cherries - THREE!
So, my plan is to layer
cardboard, and
wood chips - heavy on the wood chips through the fall and winter. I'm also moving my garden into the orchard area so that the orchard forms a "U" around the garden. This is a small orchard - about 30 trees placed close
enough to create a
canopy. What else could I do to get more production from these trees?