If you have wood than its hard to beat
wood heat....a modern unit with a catalytic combustor will reduce your wood consumption by about 30%.
Pellet stoves are even more frugal, and can be easily tied to a thermostatic control but..(IMHO) the heat is not as satisfying, the pellets about break even with a good heat pump for operating costs, the units are far from trouble free. Still they beat huddling around a
milk house heater.
If you have the time and own the property than a batch type
Rocket Mass Heater seems like the mark to shoot for ...not that I've had one to compare, but on paper they seem like an improvement.
I've had outdoor wood furnaces and would recommend them heartily ....if you have significant resources to invest.
If your young...and hearty enough to get your own wood in, significant health benefits follow that level of exercise!....providing no extinction level accidents befall you in the woods.
If your sixty five plus and swallowing enough pills to allow your pharmacist to know you by name, than a smiling delivery man will fetch out a ton of fourty pound sacks of pellets that will remind you how wise you were to avoid wandering in the woods alone!