The problems with reflectors is that they can be dangerous. I heard, that when they started to use
solar power a while ago, they tried to get south americans using solar for i can't remember what and two houses got burnt down and so they dropped it.
We have establilished a lot of fire saftey behavior, solar is a new thing how to implant that fear of leaving your reflector without vigilence or always covered if you're not there or always pointing at the sky, if we are to have home solar energy. Some home solar cookers like box ones, seem very safe, others with paraboilc reflectors seem lethal. There is a video on you tube in which they call their parabolic cooker, the death ray or something of the sort, it had a
water melon steaming and hissing and squirting steam in half a minute more or less.
The secmol ladakh site has a reflector reflecting sulight on to a mirror in the wall of the kitchen, the mirror then reflects the sun up on to the bottom of a pot cooking inside the kitchen. Interesting eh. It also has some easy to make
greenhouse ideas among other things.
solar energy -secmol- google easy to access
rose macaskie.