Last week I posted a
thread with my
first discussion question for a cyberworld book group discussion focused around Paul and Shawn's book,
Building a Better World in Your Backyard Instead of Being Angry at Bad Guys. As promised, this week I'm starting another for the next question. I composed these questions thinking of the average person in a book group who might not know anything about
permaculture. One thing I wanted to emphasis a bit with them was the idea of thinking in broader systems. That's what this weeks question is aimed at doing in addition to bringing up the
light bulb topic sure to start conversations among many. So here is the question. What responses do you have to it?
2. – They present a case that for lighting in cold climates if you look at the broader systems beyond just electricity consumption, such as embodied energy in manufacturing, home heating, and the toxic materials involved, incandescent bulbs can be “greener” than CFLs or LED bulbs. What do you think about this? Can you think of other instances in the book where broader systems thinking was applied?
Again, if you haven't yet read the book, since these are
perennial discussions here on Permies you can still
get a copy and join in whenever you wish.