I was am thinking to build the normal corner brace with two H-braces 90 degrees to each other.
One H-brace is done today with a 12" round log buried 42inches for the corner post.
So then the other side of the corner brace would have half of the arched gate post incorporated into it and
the usual brace piece and diagonal wire.
I have not cut the post yet but might tomorrow. It will be 12" round at the bottom and pinned to the other
half of the arch with rebar or bolts and some sort of lap joint. Seems like
enough mass to hold things up, but maybe
some thing in the mix throws the corner off. If it is on the donor tree a wye shaped piece of tree might help.
Glen, mulling it over the gate post closer to the corner might want to pull up out of the ground. Thinking about a wye
shaped horizontal brace piece pointed towards the gate with a tenon type joint to to the gate post on the wye end of the
horizontal brace.
I like the idea of planting more osage, but probably
should not where it will reach out to the neighbors side
The hedge row across the way from me is better than 100 years old-it takes time to
grow sizable posts. better start soon.
Will try to post a photo when its up.