We are deciding what kind of floor to have in the kitchen of the house we are repairing. Neither of us have much
experience with building or big house repairs. We were going to just replace the
wood that was there, but we found lots of animal tunnels and nests under the house. So we took all the floor out and will have to pound in the tunnels and relevel the dirt.
We are thinking why not just get a bunch of sand and gravel and pebbles from the river and have a gravel floor. The river is filling up with sediment from poorly managed cedar planted mountains and is a problem for
native fish that need deeper
water, so it would be good to remove gravel and sand from the river.
We are thinking we could put larger stones down for furniture and the sink and counter and such to sit on.
Right now it's just dirt and the house is resting on stones. It seems to be pretty dry. It only freezes a couple weeks out of the year at night.
Anyone have experience living with a floor like that? Thoughts, pros, cons, obvious problems?