Depending on just how dry your conditions are, you might consider a bit more labour-intensive solution that would deliver more water....I'm thinking a homemade olla or string of ollas attached to a water source like a barrel.
Traditional ollas are clay urns with a narrow neck, that are buried with the neck sticking above the ground, and you fill them with water and put a rock or something on the top to prevent evaporation, and then the water slowly wicks through the clay into the soil. The rate is controlled by the dryness of the soil. I don't think that would keep your trees in
enough water for several dry weeks, unless you put quite a number of these around each tree maybe. But what I think would work better would be an olla-like homemade setup with two clay pots glued together to make a pseudo-olla, and then you can attach one of these using tubing to a water source like a barrel or large carboy. Or even attach a string of them together with tubing that feeds from the barrel.
This link shows how to make the ollas from two clay pots, just glued together with Gorilla Glue or caulk, and if you scroll down a bit they illustrate an automated watering system attached to a barrel.