Some context about site and
water use: This is for a rural site (passed by 1-2 dozen cars per day) where I'm trying to establish a low-maintenance coppice orchard and forest gardens using overflow from a tree nursery. I live nearby now but am moving four hours away this coming season, so I will only be around occasionally. Some
local friends agreed to come water new plantings if needed and are up to continue planting the site out, and I am hoping to collaborate with local
permaculture people who want access to
land for food production. Eventually I might
sell this site - a home site is part of the design but not a
project I'll take on - until then I am happy to grow useful
trees and enable land access for
permaculture activities.
Following up from this
thread about off-grid pump options - - I am having a deep well installed with a simple pump, buying the hand pump and motor adapter. I figure this way I can hand pump on an as-needed basis into buckets, hoses, or storage tanks. If I setup shop on site longer and want tanks to be refilled without tedious and precious time pumping, I can switch to the motor adapter and power that with batteries charged from any means available.
My question now is about exposure and security for the hand pump and well head. When the project is complete, there will be a well head sticking out of the ground a little, apx 100' from the road, and a somewhat tall hand pump extending up above that well head, like in this image:
Since I want it to be easy for someone to stop by and water trees, I am thinking to leave the hand pump installed and keep the motor adapter stored in a shed. This made me wonder,
are there any measures I should take to reduce the well/pump's exposure from elements or abuse?
I'm not sure what issues there could be if any, or how to mitigate them, so that's what this thread is asking about. For example, if someone came along and used the hand pump without permission, that doesn't seem so bad. Heck, part of the motive for investing in a well is potable water and supporting useful tree crops, whether that's for me or someone else in need of those resources during desperate times. If someone needs water, I don't want to refuse them water. On the other hand, someone withdrawing a lot of water and/or using the hand pump carelessly could reduce the lifespan of the costly well/pump install, and my absence might entice that abuse. Worst yet would be someone malicious trying to damage the well or water, which I think is unlikely
enough that I'm not worried about it. In terms of exposure to the elements, Simple Pump is meant to be very weather resistant, so I don't think it needs a
At this point exposure seems okay, security questionable. A hedge to block easy view of the pump from the road seems like an easy improvement, while a more substantial well house would give better shelter and security (could have a removable roof and wall for maintenance, secured with a simple combo lock to give permission for access as needed). What do you think?